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Proud To Be A Sissy Chapter 2

On my way to my room I heard the door, announcing the arrival of my parents. Breathing I sigh of relief I stood there behind the closed door wondering where I could hide my damp panties. Hearing muffled voices I went and looked out the window and I was gripped with fear to see my father speaking with Mr. Clark.

They didn't speak loud enough for me to hear more than a mumbling and I was slightly relieved to see my dad smiling when they shook hands before they parted. At least Mr. Clark hadn't betrayed me yet. A knock at the door almost startled me out of my skin and my feeling of relief instantly vanished.

"Yes," I squeaked feeling embarrassed and sliding the panties under a pillow, "I'm just getting dressed, I'll be right out."

"Well put something nice on for a change," my mom stated, "your father's taking us out to dinner and how many times have you been told not to leave dirty clothes on the bathroom floor young man."

"Sorry mom", I meekly replied, "I'll pick them as soon as I get dressed."

"Just don't be all day."

"Okay." I said rushing to my dresser.

As I dressed I found the cotton underwear just didn't seem to fit right and I thought about the panties Mr. Clark made me wear. Even my jeans and polo shirt felt very uncomfortable for some reason. I did think about how the dress I'd worn earlier and how much I liked feeling of it clinging to my body.

Dinner out with mom and dad was the usual bore for me while they mostly talked about whatever happened at their offices until my mom asked, "By the what, what did that lecherous old man Clark want you for today?"

"Well he started out by going about his mobility problem," my father began, "then he asked if we would mind if Kary would do a few chores around the house for him, with pay of course."

"Absolutely not," my mom sneered, "I don't want my baby hanging around that disgusting pervert. What else did he say?"

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